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Catous.com What Should I Feed My Cat? Wet Versus Dry Food Catous.com What Should I Feed My Cat? Wet Versus Dry Food

What should I feed my cat? Wet versus dry food

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What should I feed my cat? Wet versus dry food 3

Walk into any pet shop or supermarket and you’ll find an array of different cat foods – wet, dry, complete, reciprocal – so important to choose from, but what does it all mean?

There are numerous groups of cat food according to their

  • Nutritive acceptability (complete vs reciprocal)
  • Life stage (gibs, adult, elderly/ senior)
  • Perceptivity and life (hairball forestallment, fixed, inner, sensitive skin, etc.)
  • Price (profitable, decoration, super decoration).

Complete foods give your cat all the nutrients it needs (with the exception of water) and are designed to be the main part of your cat’s diet. Reciprocal foods are generally treats and are nutritionally deficient – they should form no further than 10 of your cat’s diet.

Life stage diets are nutritionally balanced for your cat’s age and life. For illustration, growing gibs bear further protein and calories, fixed/ inner pussycats bear smaller calories and in elderly cat diets, phosphorus situations are reduced to help support geriatric feathers. On top of this, some diets are also acclimated for specific conditions, for illustration, fibers similar as psyllium can be added to help hairball conformation, and diets can be enhanced with adipose acids to help with skin and fleece condition. You know how old your cat is and if they’ve any specific conditions, but should you feed wet or dry food ( or a combination of the two)? Let’s look at the data.

Wet vs dry

Cat food can be classified according to its water content:

  • dry food (<14%),
  • wet food (>60%), and
  • semi-moist (14–59%). This latter category is mostly restricted to treats.

Wet food is cooked at high temperatures for sterilization, which results in longer shelf life than dry diets before opening, but formerly opened, is more perishable. There are several textures available in wet food, similar as scum, loaf, gobbets in gravy or in jelly. Dry food is substantially extruded but can also be ignited. Wet food is more precious than dry on a per calorie base.

Benefits of wet food for cat

Pussycats have evolved from thirsty geographical locales and their response to low humidity foods is to concentrate their urine rather than drink further water. Typical prey of the cat has a humidity content of> 60 and it has been suggested that feeding wet food would be a more applicable way to give water to pussycats rather than counting on drinking water.

Dehumidification in pussycats has been proposed as a threat factor for several conditions, including. order complaint. Still, it isn’t clear if feeding dry food results in shy or worse hydration compared to feeding wet. There are several studies that assess the effect of feeding dry vs wet foods in the water status of pussycats, and the results are clashing.

Wet foods are particularly useful for:

  • Urinary health â€“ Wet foods are useful to promote further urine that’s further adulterated, which is useful for forestallment of urinary tract problems – the thesis is that wet food will promote more dilute urine that could affect in a lower attention of seditious factors in the bladder.
  • Weight operation – Water doesn’t give calories, thus, wet food always has a lower energy viscosity (calories) than dry food. Typical dry diets give further than 3 – 4 kcal/ g( some diets indeed higher), whereas wet food provides0.8 –1.5 kcal/ g, with some weight loss diets furnishing indeed less. For this reason, wet food is largish and can help with weight loss or weight forestallment plans.
  • Constipation â€“ Dehumidification is a threat factor for constipation and feeding wet food can be salutary in these cases, and it’s a common recommendation to feed canned food to pussycats suffering from this problem.

Benefits of dry food for cat

The main benefit of dry food is its ease, convenience and cost. Millions of pussycats over the world are fed dry food (either simply or in combination) and can live long healthy lives. Dry food allows for free- feeding and the food can be left out for dragged ages of time. Some pussycats prefer grazing their food over the day rather than at specific mealtimes, which is the main feeding system when wet food is used.

Dry food is easier to use with food dispenser toys, as a means of environmental enrichment and to give internal stimulation.

There are some dry diets that can have salutary dental goods either reducing tartar conformation or decelerating down shrine accumulation. The ultimate achieved substantially by mechanical scraping of the tooth. Still, not all dry diets will have acceptable kibble texture to address shrine and. Indeed if they do, they might not act on all tooth shells. There’s a dearth of conclusive data supporting the superiority of dry food over wet on oral health. In any case, the gold standard to promote acceptable dental health is tooth brushing. If you want to use a diet that slows down shrine accumulation you should use products assessed as effective by the Veterinary Oral Health Council seal (www.vohc.org).

Dry food has a advanced energy viscosity than wet.
This can be a problem in pussycats that cannot tone- regulate their energy input. Also rotundity/ fat frequency in pussycats is high enough to suggest that numerous pussycats aren’t suitable to do so. Still, in pussycats that are thin and/ or have a picky appetite, which happens in some healthy pussycats. It is also associated with the complaint. Dry food will give energy and nutrients in a concentrated, small volume, maximizing the nutritive force.

My cat only eats dry food – style can I make sure she’s getting enough water?

In pussycats fed dry (or substantially dry) food, it’s important to promote water input, especially to help urinary problems. A constant force of fresh clean water should always be available. Other factors that can impact water input include:

  • Position of water coliseums keeps the water station separate from both food and litter boxes. Choose a quiet place where your cat won’t be disturbed while it drinks.
  • Choice of water coliseum pussycats feel to prefer ceramic or sword, since plastic can give water an after taste. Use a wide, flat coliseum, since some pussycats prefer their whiskers don’t touch the vessel.
  • Multiple drinking stations multiple stations can help promote water input and are indicated in multi-cat homes to insure this resource isn’t confined due to conflict.
  • Water cradles some pussycats prefer running water, so the use of water cradles is a good volition in these cases. These should be gutted frequently, and the pollutants changed as recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Add water to the dry food: to achieve similar moisture to wet food, the ratio is 2–3 cups of water to 1 cup of dry food.

Flavored water funk broth ( without garlic or onion) or tuna ‘ water ’ can be added to the cat’s drinking water to encourage fluid uptake.


Both dry and wet food have pros and cons. Wet food is more precious and less easy to use. Wet can be salutary in pussycats to lower urinary tract complaint, constipation and that are fat. Dry food can be a veritably effective way to give calories. In thin pussycats with food volume limitations and allows for the use of food mystification and food toy dispensers. In order to decide which is stylish, a complete nutritive evaluation. Including diet history and body condition score. Should be carried by your warhorse – this is frequently carried out during routine check- ups (eg. at time of vaccination).

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